Wednesday, April 27 | 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m, | CNY Philanthropy Center, 431 E. Fayette St. (corner of Townsend) — Second Floor Ballroom | MCLE 1.5 Ethics
Presented by Andrew R. Eastham, Esq., Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc., Michaela K. Rossettie Azemi, Esq. & Kevin Kelly, Esq., Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc. and Samantha Aguam, Esq. of Volunteer Lawyers Project of Onondaga County | Under NYS rules this CLE has been APPROVED for both Newly Admitted and Experienced Attorneys
Sign in begins at 11:30 a.m. Light lunch to be served. This is a free CLE.
Topics to be covered include:
- Pro Bono Rule
- Scope of Representation
- Formation of Attorney/Client Relationship
- Preventing Unauthorized Practice of Law
- Review of NYSBA Pro Bono Services, Ethics and Opinions
- Hypotheticals
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Bookings are closed for this event.