Wednesday, November 30, 2016 | Noon to 2 p.m. | CNY Philanthropy Center | 2nd Floor Ballroom | 431 E. Fayette St. | Syracuse, NY 13202 | COST: $40 Member, $60 Non-Member, $30 Paralegal, FREE for Lifetime/Agency/Student | 2.0 MCLE (1.0 Professional Practice, 0.5 Skills, 0.5 Ethics) | Under NYS rules this CLE has been APPROVED for both Newly Admitted and Experienced Attorneys. | A copy of the OCBA Tuition Waiver Policy may be found here.
Attend this CLE and refresh what you think you know about the following topics:
- Mandatory Electronic Filing
- Commencing Civil Actions
- Filing Fees
- Requests for Judicial Intervention
- Motion Practice
- Preliminary Conferences
- Trial Scheduling
- Matrimonial Rules and Screening
- Uncontested Matrimonial
- Integrated Domestic Violence Court
Presenters: Donald C. Doerr, Esq., POMCO and Michael A. Klein, Esq., District Executive, 5th Judicial District plus Pat Noll, Chief Clerk of Onondaga County & Supreme Court, Lisa Dell, Onondaga County Clerk and other representatives from Onondaga County Court 5th District and District Supreme Court Clerk’s Office
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