Wednesday, April 26, 2017 | Noon to 1 p.m. | George H. Lowe Center for Justice | First Floor Education Room | 221 South Warren St. | Syracuse, NY 13202 | 1.0 MCLE credit (0.5 Ethics, 0.5 Skills) | COST: FREE | Under NYS rules this CLE has been approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys | Prepare for pizza and refreshments!
Have you wanted to help those you see in our city who are struggling to shelter themselves and their loved ones? Register for this CLE and learn how you can apply your legal skills to assist Onondaga County citizens in need of a safe, warm home.
This FREE seminar is offered by the Volunteer Lawyers Project of Onondaga County and will introduce attorneys to its Homeless Advocacy and Prevention (HAP) Pro Bono Clinic.
Topics covered include:
- Definitions of homelessness and who in Syracuse is experiencing it
- Common legal issues encountered by those experiencing homelessness
- Diminished capacity and competency
- Ethics surrounding representation; attorney-client confidentiality
- Learn how you can volunteer for the HAP Clinic
- Sally Curran, Esq., Executive Director, Volunteer Lawyers Project of Onondaga County
- Todd Long, Esq., Asst. Corporation Counsel, City of Syracuse Department of Law
- Laura D. Rolnick, Esq., Pro Bono Coordinator, HAP Clinic, Volunteer Lawyers Project of Onondaga County
To learn more about the HAP Clinic, click the OnVLP logo below.
Register Now
Bookings are closed for this event.