Professor Patrick Connors Albany Law School
Friday, June 20 | 1:00 to 4:30pm | MCLE 2.5 Professional Practice + 0.5 Ethics
CNY Philanthropy Center | 431 East Fayette St. | Syracuse NY 13202
Sign in begins at 12:30
Topics to be covered this year . . .
- US Supreme Court decisions significantly alter the law of personal jurisdiction in New York
- CPLR 5015 used to vacate final judgment in related matter
- review of recent Court of Appeals decisions addressing statute of limitations issues
- new Uniform Notice of Claim Act
- issues arising with electronic filing
- is a lawyer a representing a nonparty at a deposition a “potted plant”?
- can CPLR 2004 authorize extension of time periods not contained in the CPLR?
- using verified pleadings on a motion
- use of electronic signatures
- new monetary thresholds in the Commercial Division
- recent CPLR Amendments concerning protective orders, alternate jurors and mortgage foreclosure actions
- Court of Appeals addresses CPLR 5222-a, designed to protect exempt funds from restraint or execution
- agreements calling for arbitration in New York
- Court of Appeals reviews options for parties challenging an additur or remittitur
- is expert disclosure required for a treating doctor?
- Court of Appeals addresses sufficiency of papers on application for default judgment
- Court of Appeals addresses debts and property against which a money judgment can be enforced
- can a New York bank be compelled to deliver property held by its foreign subsidiary in a turnover proceeding?
- Court of Appeals once again adopts a generous view of whether an order “necessarily affects” a final judgment and can be reviewed on appeal
- proper procedure for motion to quash a subpoena
- can a lawyer pay for evidence?
- the CPLR Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary!
Total of 3MCLE Credits Under NYS rules this CLE has been APPROVED for both Newly admitted & experienced attorneys
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