Tuesday, June 20, 2017 | 3:45 to 5 p.m. | CNY Philanthropy Center, 2nd Floor Ballroom, 431 E. Fayette St., Syracuse | 1.5 MCLE credit (Skills) | COST: Free | Under NYS rules this CLE has been approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys
Find out what it means to effectively serve refugees in Syracuse when you join this information session from 2 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 20th at the CNY Philanthropy Center, 431 E. Fayette St., Syracuse. Also offered during this important dialogue is a CLE beginning at 3:45 to 5 p.m., register for this CLE below.
Medical, legal, education, municipal, and social service professionals are welcome to attend this opportunity to engage our citizenry in a dialogue of respect and concern for those New Americans who face a variety of issues and challenges in our community.
This CLE’s topic brings together a number of local experts familiar with the refugee experience in Central New York who will discuss what cultural competency means when working with refugees and will identify strategies relevant institutions can pursue to make refugees feel embraced.
CLE Panel includes:
Shelly Tsai, Esq., Legal Services of Central New York
Christina Costello, Director of Health Services, Catholic Charities of Onondaga County
Janet Lenkiewicz, Case Manager, Onondaga County Department of Social Services-Economic Security
Jacki Leroy, Director of ENL Services, Syracuse City School District
Habiba Boru, Job Developer, RISE Refugee & Immigrant Self-Empowerment
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