CLE | Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD): The Final Countdown? This 2.0-hour CLE primes you with the info you’ll need to help clients, whether individual or institutional, understand this legislation currently in front of the NYS Legislature.
Offered at no cost to attorneys who commit to volunteering with VLPCNY’s Debt Clinic, and for only $25 for those who don’t, this program provides an overview of debt collection lawsuits and steps to take in helping consumers defend against these lawsuits in a limited scope clinic or during full representation. The program is suited for attorneys new to consumer law, as well as attorneys with some experience looking for a refresher.
WHEN: Noon to 2 p.m. Wednesday, September 13, 2023 | HOW: via ZOOM | COST: $25 | MCLE: 2.0 (1.0 Skills, 1.0 Professional Practice) | Financial Waivers here | This CLE is appropriate for both newly admitted and established attorneys. REGISTRATION CLOSES BY 5 p.m. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2023 Find out how you can challenge […]