Wednesday, April 19, 2017 | 4 to 5:30 p.m. | CNY Philanthropy Center | Second Floor Ballroom | 431 E. Fayette St. | Syracuse, NY 13202 | 1.0 MCLE credits (1.0 Skills) | COST: $25 Member, $35 Non-Member, $15 Paralegal, $5 Lifetime/Agency/Student | Under NYS rules this CLE has been approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys | Tuition waivers available | A wine and cheese reception follows this seminar
Learn about intellectual property law in the niche practice area of wine & spirits trademarks. Then, with samples in hand, hear about current research into the science behind red wine!
Come for the MCLE credit, stay for the wine!
Topics covered include:
- What makes a strong trademark?
- Which trademarks have been most successful?
- Learn about wine, pigment, aging, aroma and more!
Daniel B. Moar, Esq. of Goldberg Segalla
Lindsay Springer, Ph.D. Cornell U.
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