Friday, March 9, 2018 | 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. | CNY Philanthropy Center, Ballroom, 431 E. Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13202 | CREDIT: 4.0 Skills, 1.0 Ethics | COST: $100 Member | $150 Non-Member | $50 Paralegal | $25 Lifetime/Student | Financial waiver information is available here | Under NYS rules this CLE has been APPROVED for Experienced and Newly Admitted Attorneys | LUNCH INCLUDED
Attorneys at all technological levels of social media expertise NEED this CLE and here’s why:
- You will learn how to find, understand, and use evidence gleaned from an ever-expanding and overwhelming online world.
- You will receive a DO IT YOURSELF guide that even the most novice computer user can use to capture a litigant’s online presence complete with tools you may not know are already at your fingertips.
- You will learn how to make sense of a recent Court of Appeals decision about authenticating social media evidence, and how trial attorneys can attack or support such evidence in the courtroom.
- PowerPoints DEMYSTIFIED. Learn how YOU can create compelling presentations that will WOW in the courtroom during trial.
Paul Meabon, Esq., Monroe County Public Defenders Office
Brian Cummings, Esq., Monroe County Public Defenders Office
Jill Paperno, Esq., Monroe County Public Defenders Office
Sovanndary Sok, Communications, Assigned Counsel Program
This CLE is brought to you in proud partnership with:
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