Tuesday, March 27, 2018 | Noon to 2 p.m.| CNY Philanthropy Center, Second Floor Ballroom, 431 E. Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13202 | CREDIT: 2.0 Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias | COST: $40 Member | $60 Non-Member | $20 Paralegal | FREE Lifetime/Student | Financial waiver information is available here | Under NYS rules this CLE has been APPROVED for Experienced and Newly Admitted Attorneys | LUNCH INCLUDED!
This CLE lends insight into how to handle your non-English speaking client’s communication issues especially in healthcare settings.
- American with Disabilities Act – Limited English Proficiency, Disability Complaints, TITLE VI of Civil Rights Act enforcement
- NYS Human Rights Law – recent litigation outcomes involving NYS Office of the Attorney General Civil Rights Bureau, disability accommodation issues in medical facilities, health insurance plans, pharmacies, etc.
- Private Sector – Best Practices for Health Care providers to assure compliance with federal and state laws; common issues/questions from health care provider clients re balancing costs v. legal requirements
Simone Peart, Esq. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Civil Rights
Maureen McGlynn, Esq., partner, CCB Law, advises and counsels health care providers concerning practice management, patient care, medical records, privacy, and more.
Anjana Samant, Esq., NYS Office of the Attorney General, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Bureau
This CLE is brought to you by the OCBA Diversity & Inclusion Committee
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