Wednesday, August 23, 2017 | 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. | Plaza of the Arts, Conference Room, 161 Genesee St., Auburn, N.Y. 13021 | CREDIT: 1.0 MCLE (0.5 Ethics, 0.5 Skills) | COST: FREE if you commit to volunteer for at least 1 hour within the next year (only $20 if you don’t plan on volunteering!) | Under NYS rules this CLE has been APPROVED for both Newly Admitted and Experienced Attorneys | This CLE is co-sponsored by the Cayuga County Bar Association | PIZZA LUNCH PROVIDED!
Interested in learning more about how YOU can help your neighbor seek justice? Apply your legal knowledge and expertise to the benefit of those unable to afford representation when you volunteer with the Volunteer Lawyers Project.
At this training:
- Introduction to Talk With a Lawyer Clinics
- Who is served, and why
- Local Civil Legal Clinic
- Review of most commonly seen legal issues
- Conflict checks in a brief service/counsel and advice setting
- Ethics of Limited Representation and Diminished Capacity
Click here to learn more about the mission of the Volunteer Lawyers Project and how it helps those in our region who are experiencing poverty.
Sally Fisher Curran, Esq., Executive Director, Volunteer Lawyers Project of Onondaga County. Sally Fisher Curran graduated summa cum laude from the University of Maine with degrees in both Spanish Language and Women’s Studies. She is a proud graduate of the City University of New York College of Law, where she participated in economic justice and family law clinics, as well as serving on law review and moot court. After law school, she practiced at a legal servces organization in New York City before returning to her home state of Maine, where she opened a private practice with a child-centered family law approach. In 2012 she was named one of Super Lawyers “Rising Stars” for New England. In her private practice she provided over 100 hours of pro bono service every year. With six years of experience in practice focused primarily on family law, Sally relocated to Syracuse to take the position with the VLP in 2012, and since then has led the organization through a period of exciting growth and change. In June, she and VLP received the Onondaga County Bar Association’s Diversity and Inclusion Award for exemplary diversity and inclusion best practices in the workplace. She is an active member of the Onondaga County Bar Association, Central New York Women’s Bar Association, New York State Bar Association and American Bar Association.
Laura Diane Rolnick, Esq., Pro Bono Coordinator, Volunteer Lawyers Project of Onondaga County, Inc. Laurie Rolnick received her Bachelor of Science degree from the NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) at Cornell University. She earned her J.D. with Honors from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill School of Law, where she was an active member of the Moot Court and President of the Trial Law Academy. She worked for Jackson Lewis’ Atlanta, Georgia office, representing employers in labor law and employment litigation matters, before taking an in-house counsel position with Medical Doctor Associates. She has spent the last several years as a disability advocate and assistant to Attorney Michael P. Daly in Manlius, NY, concentrating primarily on Workers Compensation and Social Security matters. Ms. Rolnick is a member of both the Georgia and New York Bars.
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