Wednesday, December 7, 2016 | 1 to 4 p.m. | CNY Philanthropy Center | 2nd Floor Ballroom | 431 E. Fayette St. | Syracuse, NY 13202 | COST: $60 Member, $90 Non-Member, $50 Paralegal, Free Lifetime/Agency/Student | 3.0 MCLE (2.0 Professional Practice, 1.0 Skills) | Under NYS rules this CLE has been APPROVED for both Newly Admitted and Experienced Attorneys. | A copy of the OCBA Tuition Waiver Policy may be found here.
IT’S COMING……The Zombie Remediation and Prevention Initiative, or “Zombie House Bill” goes into effect Tuesday, December 20th …. ARE YOU READY???
The Zombie Remediation and Prevention Initiative, or ‘Zombie House Bill,’ signed in June by Gov. Andrew Cuomo during a visit to a Solvay neighborhood, aims to guide monies to municipalities dealing with housing blight caused by homes left vacant and abandoned during drawn out foreclosure proceedings.
Do you represent banks or clients affected by this bill that goes into effect on December 20, 2016. Whether you’re defense or plaintiffs’ counsel, this CLE covers three aspects of the Zombie Bill you’ll need to know:
- Revisions to the settlement conference process;
- The new statutory test for negotiating in good faith; and,
- The new process for obtaining an expedited judgment in foreclosure for properties that are vacant and abandoned.
Presenters include:
- Joseph G. Murray, Esq., Staff Attorney, Frank H. Hiscock Legal Aid Society
- Leah Witmer, Esq., Foreclosure Prevention Project Dir., Frank H. Hiscock Legal Aid Society
- Andrew Croom, Esq., Staff Attorney, Legal Services of Central New York
- Reta Raymond, Esq., Staff Attorney, Legal Services of Central New York
Registration starts at 12:30 p.m.
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Bookings are closed for this event.