Three-Part CLE Series | Digital Evidence at Trial: Cellphone Forensics, Admissibility, and Ethical Duty

WHEN:  Noon to 1 p.m. Monday, January 10, 2022 | Wednesday, February 9, 2022 | Thursday, March 10, 2022 | HOW: via ZOOM | MCLE: 1.0 credit (Skills/Ethics) | COST: $50 for the series or $20 per course

Monday, January 10th at Noon | Cellphone Forensics: Applications in Discovery and Investigations 

Cellphones represent one of the fastest-changing areas of legal practice. Mobile device evidence is more important than ever, thanks to the rapid evolution of the technology and the way this evidence is treated by the courts. Touching on important recent cases, technology developments, and ArcherHall’s direct experience advising attorneys, this presentation provides up-to-date guidance on the application of cellphone forensics in litigation, investigations, and other legal matters.

Wednesday, February 9th at Noon | Admissibility and Use of Digital Evidence at Trial

This CLE explores the Federal Rules of Evidence applicable to digital evidence. Attendees will learn about relevant case law and how to authenticate or challenge the admission of digital evidence at trial. The course will explain how to use digital evidence effectively at trial and how to incorporate it into an overarching story or theory of a case.

Thursday, March 10th at Noon | Ethical Duties and Electronically Stored Information

This presentation covers electronic discovery and the related ethical duty of competence. Drawing on guidance from the State Bar, recent discovery cases, and ArcherHall’s experience assisting attorneys, the presentation outlines the main risks to counsel and client of failing to properly understand e-discovery obligations in litigation.

Please note:

  • Registration for each course in this series ends at 6 p.m. the weekday before the CLE.
  • The information you provide below should reflect the ATTENDEE NAME for the program (not those making the reservation).
  • The day before the CLE you will receive a unique ZOOM link, accessible only to you, please do not share with others.
  • All relevant materials – affirmation, evaluation, and handouts – will be emailed to you prior to the CLE.


Brian M. Chase, Esq. is Director of Digital Forensics at ArcherHall, an expert witness, and an adjunct professor of law. Before joining ArcherHall, he was a practicing attorney and the owner of Chase Technology Consulting, a legal technology consulting firm providing digital forensics and e-discovery expertise. Mr. Chase is licensed to practice law in both Arizona and New York.

Mr. Chase has a diverse education and work background. He spent years working as a network administrator for the University of Arizona. He has a Management and Information Systems degree from the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona. He earned his law degree from the University of Arizona and has worked with variously sized  law firms in both the IT and legal realms. He’s consulted with firms on the use of technology within the office, and has provided expert testimony on criminal and civil matters ranging from misdemeanors to murder to medical malpractice.

Learn more about ArcherHall here.


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